Matematična uporaba, razlaga in nepogrešljivost v znanosti – upanje za platonistične argumente

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje izr. prof. dr. Vladimirja Drekalovića s Filozofske fakultete Nikšić Univerze v Črni gori z naslovom Matematična uporaba, razlaga in nepogrešljivost v znanosti – upanje za platonistične argumente / Mathematical Application, Explanation and Indispensability in Science – Hope for Platonic Arguments. Predavanje bo v torek, 21. 2. 2023, ob 13. uri v predavalnici 325 na Filozofski fakulteti. Potekalo bo v angleškem jeziku.


Povzetek predavanja

Throughout history, mathematical achievements have been used in different ways in science. Among these applications, we can distinguish those in which mathematical theories/objects have an explanatory role from those in which such a role does not exist. In the second half of the 20th century, Platonists emphasize the notion of indispensability in order to underline the special role of some mathematical theories/objects in the explanations that appear in science. We will cite several examples that illustrate the above cases and point out their differences.

In the light of this analysis, we will recall two Platonist arguments, the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument (IA) and the Baker's enhanced indispensability argument (EIA), and try to evaluate their weight.

Keywords: philosophy of mathematics, applicability of mathematics, indispensability, indispensability argument, enhanced indispensability argument


Predavanje bo izvedeno v sklopu bilateralnega sodelovanja med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Črno goro z naslovom projekta »Filozofija znanosti: znanstveni opis sveta, možnosti in doseg spoznanja« (št. »BI-ME/21-22-003«), ki ga financirata Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje Črne gore.




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