Employees of the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts employs more than 700 pedagogical workers, researchers, as well as administrative and technical workers.

Faculty Management

Dean: Prof. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

Associate Deans:

  • Assoc. Prof. Matej Hriberšek
    Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies (1st Cycle) and Postgraduate Studies (2nd Cycle) and Information Systems
  • Assoc. Prof. Sašo Jerše
    Associate Dean of Doctoral Studies (3rd Cycle) and Research
  • Prof. Mojca Smolej
    Associate Dean of Quality Assurance and Publishing
  • Prof. Irena Samide
    Associate Dean of Faculty Management, Organisation and International Cooperation
  • Andraž Fink
    Student Associate Dean

Secretary General: Tanja Hribar

Bodies of the Faculty
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts, The Centre for Pedagogical Education

Na ta dan ni dogodkov.

Press Centre

The Faculty of Arts is a place of reason and discernment. As an academic community, we are committed to the liberation of humankind and to the values of freedom, solidarity and equality.

dr. Roman Kuhar


Quality Assurance System

The Quality System of the Faculty of Arts is based on the applicable regulations and recommendations of the bodies responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education at the national and international level.


Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations of the Faculty of Arts and University of Ljubljana.



All documents
Vacancy notices at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Vacancy notices


Trade Unions

The Workers' Union and the Higher Education Union of Slovenia operate at the Faculty of Arts. They represent the interests of employees in higher education.

Workers' Union

The Student Council of the Faculty of Arts

The Student Council of the Faculty of Arts (SCFA) is the highest and sole representative student body at the faculty.





In 2019, the Faculty of Arts celebrated its centennial

On 3 December 1919 at 9 a.m. the first lecture began in the former State Mansion of Carniola, thus ushering in the birth of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ljubljana.


09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

15. 09. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

22. 02. 2022
Faculty of Arts

Online sessions for prospective international students, 22 February 2022 at 1.15 pm (CET)