Clinical Psychology and Psyhotherapy of Childhood and Adolescence

Clinical Psychology and Psyhotherapy of Childhood and Adolescence

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Masten Robert

General principles in child and adolescent psychopathology, i.e. homotypic/heterotypic continuity, gene-environment interdependence; developmental psychopathology perspective, principles of equi/multifinality, ontogenetic process model, disorders of externalization/internalization; transactional perspectivity, vulnerability/protective factors; prevalence of mental disorders in youth; specifics of psychodiagnostics and treatment; description of specific disorders and evidence based treatments (ADHD, conduct disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, autistic spectrum disorders, depressive disorders, pediatric bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, other disorders and conditions; the Research domain criteria (RDoC); Applied behavior analyses;