American Cultural Module

American Cultural Module

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 60

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Burazer Lara, prof. dr. Čerče Danica, prof. dr. Krevel Mojca

The course consists of two parts:
• Lectures Postmodern American Literature
• Tutorials American Society and Culture

Postmodern American Literature
• Introduction of various methodological approaches to literary works, especially the Geistesgeschichte-based methods of defining the characteristics of individual literary periods and historical epochs
• An overview of contemporary philosophical and sociological treatmnets of the s.c. postmodern epoch (esp. the theoretical contributions by Lyotard, Baudrillard, Jameson)
• Reading, analysis and classification of post WW2 literary works based on the above theoretical framework. Students familiarize themselves with selected representatives of the Beat generation, American Metafiction, literary cyberpunk, literary Avant-Pop, Generation X, hypertext fiction, etc.
• Critical survey of existing classifications, typologies and treatments of postmodern literature

American Society and Culture
American culture, geography, history (colonization, independence, settlement, immigration), society (basic values, religion, ethnic diversity, politics, education, economy), culture (film, music, television), sports.