Oddelek za zgodovino

Mednarodna poletna šola muzeologije: Muzej in zelene transformacije

V organizaciji Foruma slovanskih kultur, Evropske muzejske akademije, Pokrajinskega muzeja Koper ter ICOM Slovenija bo konec maja v Kopru potekala mednarodna poletna šola muzeologije, naslovljena Muzej in zelene transformacije. Kratek povzetek vsebine poletne šole najdete TUKAJ.

ISSM-Call Museum and Green Transformations.pdf


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office

Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

University Of Ljubljana Doctoral Students' Day