Oddelek za romanske jezike in književnosti

Strokovna služba - Uradne ure

Dne 21.6.2024 in 26.6.2024 bodo uradne ure potekale med 11.00 in 13.00 po Zoomu (https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/92253994719), elektronski pošti (ana.simoniti@ff.uni-lj.si) in telefonu (01 241 1390). Dne 24.6.2024 in 25.6.2024 bo strokovna služba zaprta.


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Anamarija Šporčič

Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Change of Office Hours Mateja Habinc

Faculty of Arts

Call for papers: the 2nd doctoral conference New perspectives in humanities and social sciences

Faculty of Arts

Call for papers: the 2nd doctoral conference New perspectives in humanities and social sciences