Sociology of Media

Sociology of Media

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Vogrinčič Čepič Ana

Sociology of media and knowledge addresses the relationship between media and society (and its individuals). The media, i.e. communication and information technology is analysed via examining our media uses and practices, and their social consequences. It always takes in consideration the historical perspective, i.e. how the media have changed and are still changing our behaviour and knowledge.
• The basic concepts of media studies
• The role of media in everyday life
• Overview of the recurring themes in the media history (in media reception as well as in discourse about media)
• New, digital text media and related issues:
• www and the implications of internet communication
• journalism in the internet era;
• Google, Facebook, Instagram and other related phenomena
• Via analysis of media practices, the students learn about ideology, class structure, capitalist social formation and identity politics and thereby get acquainted with essential sociology.

Jože Vogrinc: “Medijsko strukturiranje vsakdana.” V: (Družboslovne razprave, xiv (1998) 27/28, str. 48-54) - COBISS.SI-ID - 18891613

Brian Winston (1998): Media, Technology and Society, Routledge, str. 1-15.- COBISS.SI-ID - 18610269

Clay Shirky (2008): Here Comes Everybody. The Power of Organizing Without Organisations. Allen Lane. 1. pog. - COBISS.SI-ID - 38507618
James Curran, Natalie Fenton, Des Freedman (2012): Misunderstanding the Internet, Routledge, str. 3-33 - COBISS.SI-ID – 53698402

Geert Lovink (2011). Networks Without a Cause. A Critique of Social Media. Polity, izbrana poglavja - COBISS.SI-ID - 53695074
Siva Vaidhyanathan (2018): Anti-social Media. How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermined Democracy. OUP, poglavja po dogovoru - COBISS.SI-ID - 35877213

Dan Podjed: Videni. Zakaj se vse več opazujemo in razkazujemo, ZRC SAZU, 2019 - COBISS.SI-ID – 299026944

Priporočena literatura:

Nancy K. Baym (2010): Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Chapters 2, 5, 6 - COBISS.SI-ID - 29370461

Alan J. Reid (2018): The Smartphone Paradox. Palgrave, Introduction.