Introduction to Pragmatics
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kranjc Simona
Pragmatic linguistics (notion of context, rhetorical position).
The influence of philosophical traditions on the emergence of the discipline.
Theory of speech acts (partial acts, direct/indirect speech acts, conventional linguistic signs as indicators of illocutionary acts, the success and efficiency of a speech act, a set of speech acts, classification of speech acts in different authors).
the (literal) meaning and the sense (the communicated meaning) of the text.
The concept of communication blindness. The Grice 's theory (the "co-operative principle" and inference) and Leech's (the politeness principle) and other theories.
The process of selecting linguistic and extra-linguistic means.
- J. L. Austin (1990). Kako napravimo kaj z besedami. Studia humanitatis. Ljubljana: ŠKUC, FF. COBISS.SI-ID 18361088
- M. Bešter (1994). Tip besedila kot izrazilo sporočevalčevega namena. Uporabno jezikoslovje, 2, 44–52. COBISS.SI-ID 6745604
- O. Kunst Gnamuš (1984). Govorno dejanje – družbeno dejanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. COBISS.SI-ID 14527489
- J. Verschueren (2000). Razumeti pragmatiko. Ljubljana: *cf. COBISS.SI-ID 110399744
- R. Zadravec-Pešec (1994). Pragmatično jezikoslovje (temeljni pojmi). Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. COBISS.SI-ID 38273280