Contemporary Slovene Poetry
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Pavlič Darja
- Review of contemporary Slovenian poetry on the background of social transformations, cultural paradigms and literary life of second half of the 20th century: poetry of the first five years after WWII (Župančič, Minatti, Krakar), publishing of wartime poetry and silenced poets of the defeated side (Balantič, Hribovšek); program and prosperity of the intimism in the 1950s (Škerl, Kovič, Menart, Zlobec, Pavček, Minatti, Krakar); critical existentialism from 1958 onward (Zajc, Taufer, Strniša, Vegri), in connection with symbolism and expressionism (Udovič, Kocbek), ultramodernism, neo-Avantgarde, concrete poetry of the 1960s (OHO, Geister, Zagoričnik, Kermauner, Hanžek) reism and ludism of the end of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s (Geister, Šalamun, Jesih, Dekleva, Svetina, Januš), and retradicionalization of mythopoetics in the 1970s (Pavček, Kovič, Taufer, Makarovič, Košuta, Detela), socially sensitive neorealism (Brvar, Fritz, Kuntner), the new aestheticism (Grafenauer, Novak, Svetina, Dekleva), a rebellious punk (Babačić, Gluvić), postmodernism (Jesih, Debeljak, Ihan, Šteger), dispersion into personal poetics and a new intimacy (Vidmar, Zupan, Semolič, Pikalo, Čučnik, Podlogar, Stupica).
- Paternu, Boris, 1999: Od ekspresionizma do postmoderne. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica. COBISS.SI-ID 100563712
- Kos, Janko, 1995: Na poti v postmoderno. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura. COBISS.SI-ID 49227520
- Poniž, Denis, 2001: Slovenska lirika 1950 – 2000. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica. COBISS.SI-ID 114075648
- Juvan, Marko, 1995: Slovenska literatura, postmodernizem, postkomunizem in nacionalna država (iz 80. v 90. leta). XXXI. SSJLK. Ljubljana: FF, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti. COBISS.SI-ID 57641728
- Novak-Popov, Irena, 2000: Slovenska poezija v devetdesetih letih. Jezik in slovstvo 45/4, 1999/2000. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- Novak-Popov Irena, 2002: Sodobna slovenska poezija. XXXVIII SSJLK. Ljubljana: FF, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti. COBISS.SI-ID 118947072
Dodatna literatura in pesniška besedila na spletu Filozofske fakultete.