Latin II
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): lekt. Čop Breda
Latin morphology:
four conjugations (including perfect tense and supine stem), the main and the ordinal numerals, pronouns, adverb, comparison of adverb and of adjectives, some irregular verbs (volo, nolo, malo)
Latin syntax:
expression of jussives and prohibitives, independent interrogative and optative sentences (present tense); subordinate clauses: relative clauses, causal clauses, purpose clauses (in outlines), conditional clauses for the present (open conditions / nothing is implied as to the fulfilment of the condition; impossible conditions (contrary to fact))
reading and translation of original quotes and of easier modified texts.
Roman civilization and literature:
a basic overview of historical and geographical conditions as well as of social, cultural and civilizational environment in the Antiquity (following the selected texts).
Basic manuals:
- Breda Čop, Aurea Roma. Učbenik za latinščino, Ljubljana, 2022 COBISS.SI-ID - 117299715
- Breda Čop, Aurea Roma. Slovarček, Ljubljana, 2022 COBISS.SI-ID - 117300995
- Silvo Kopriva: Latinska slovnica; Maribor 1989 COBISS.SI-ID – 8295936
- Priročni latinsko-slovenski slovar, Ljubljana, 2003 COBISS.SI-ID - 123934208
Advised manuals:
- Robert Čepon: Mala latinska slovnica, Ljubljana, 2005, COBISS.SI-ID – 220444672
- F. Bradač: Slovensko-latinski slovar, DZS Ljubljana, 1973.
- D. Butkovič: Slovensko-latinski slovar, Deželni šolski urad, Trst 1980.
- F. Wiesthaler: Latinsko-slovenski slovar, Kres, Ljubljana, 1993-.