Didactics of classical and humanistic literature and culture 2
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hriberšek Matej, prof. dr. Marinčič Marko
a) lectures
Epistemology of classical and humanistic studies: a historical overview. Reception of classical and humanistic literature and culture in the mirror of educational systems. Modern methods in the teaching of classical and humanistic literature. Defining the interrelation between key areas of teaching Latin and Greek: language learning – reading of texts – understanding texts within their cultural contexts – understanding ways of their survival – actualization.
Overview of traditional and contemporary approaches, with a stress on European and North-American practices.
Key aspects of contextualization:
- literary history and theory;
- cultural, social history and Geistesgeschichte;
- anthropology;
- history of ideas;
- history of ‘everyday life’, etc.
Possibility of intercurricular approaches.
Educational value of teaching classical and humanistic literature and culture: ethical, aesthetic, political, religous aspects; critical understanding of value systems in their historical contexts.
Creating an inventory of exemplary literary and cultural topics; articulating possibilities for use in class.
Critical overview of textbooks, manuals and online sources.
Creating didactic materials.
b) seminar
Discussions on a selection of literary and cultural topics. Student essays and discussion.
1. J. Bulwer (ur), Classics Teaching in Europe. London, 2006.
2. J. Morwood (ur.), The Teaching of Classics. Cambridge, 2003.
3. R. A. LaFleur (ur.), Latin for the 21st Century: From Concept to Classroom. Glenview, IL, 1998.
4. R. Ancona (ur.), A Concise Guide to Teaching Latin Literature. Norman, 2007.
5. M. Bettini, Limina. Letteratura e antropologia di Roma antica. Firenze, 2005.
6. J. Farrell, Latin Language and Latin Culture: From Ancient to Modern Times. Cambridge, 2001.
7. L. Grossi-R. Rossi, Continuita e diversita: percorsi didattici di latino e greco. Milano, 1992.
8. M.-P. Pieri, La didattica del latino. Perché e come studiare lingua e civilta dei romani. Roma, 2005.
9. W. Stroh, Latein ist tot, es lebe Latein. Berlin, 2007.
K.-W. Weeber, Mit dem Latein am Ende? Tradition mit Perspektiven. Göttingen, 1998.
10. Giordano Rampioni, Manuale per l'insegnamento del latino nella scuola del 2000. Dalla didattica alla didassi, Patron Editore, Bologna, 2. izd. 1999.
Izbor odlomkov iz tujih učbenikov, beril, priročnikov; izbor problemskih besedil o položaju in vlogi klasične in humanistične tradicije v sodobni družbi.