Didactics of Greek 2
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Inkret Andreja, izr. prof. dr. Hriberšek Matej
a) Lectures
Selected chapters from the history of pedagogics with a particular emphasis on the history of teaching of Ancient Greek (in the antiquity, the late antiquity and the Middle Ages). Modern history of teaching of Ancient Greek with an emphasis on the history of the teaching of classical languages in Slovenian schools.
Influential individuals and their impact on the didactics of Ancient Greek (in antiquity, in European and in Slovenian history). Greek textbooks and manuals through time. Teaching of Ancient Greek in the Slovenian school system. Societies and organizations related with the promotion of classical and humanistic education. The position of Ancient Greek in the modern Slovenian educational system (the contents and the objectives, Greek as an obligatory and an elective course, teaching of Greek in primary schools and in classical gymnasia, school-leaving external examination (or, the “matura”). Basics of school legislation. Preparations for class. Grammar: basic elements concerning Ancient Greek pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; approaches to treatments of selected grammatical problems. Teaching ancient literature: the topics to be studied and their relation to the contents of other school subjects; organizing projects involving these subjects. Topics concerning ancient culture and civilization: approaches to their presentation and their relation to other school subjects. Critical evaluation of the contents taught (reflective teaching). The role and the figure of the teacher of Classical Greek. Modern didactical forms and methods, appropriate for the teaching of Classical Greek. Assessment methods. Types of exercises. Modern literature and relevant manuals. Internet resources for the didactics of classical languages (primarily Ancient Greek). Further education (self-education, supplementary education, lifelong learning).
b) Practical classes
Analysis and synthesis of a school lesson in terms the treatment of grammar, the literature, the topics concerning ancient culture and civilization. Approaches to preparation of a lesson. Types of exercises. Preparation of handouts. Actualization of the contents taught. Practical classes: 1. preparing a lesson; 2. preparing of a project; 3. a lesson conducted in the presence of colleague students. Planning teaching process. Economics of teaching. Eventual problems and failures; how to assess pupils' capabilities and determine the reasons for their successes and failures. Manuals and textbooks. Assessment methods. Concrete examples of presenting topics concerning the Ancient Greek grammar, the literature, the history, the culture and civilization (in all levels of the educational system). Modern approaches to interpreting literature: Greek literature, Latin literature, later Greek literature, Greek culture and civilization; philological, sociological and anthropological aspects, their actualization and evaluation. The use of the computer and the internet in class. Creation of a web site.
- Wiater, W., Unterrichten und lernen in der Schule : eine Einführung in die Didaktik, Donauwörth : Auer, 1993 COBISS.SI-ID - 44240226
- Marrou, H. I., Histoire de l'éducation dans l'Antiquité I-II. Paris 1948. COBISS.SI-ID - 31416064
- Jaeger, W., Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture I-III. Oxford 1946. COBISS.SI-ID - 11871842
- Der altsprachliche Unterricht COBISS.SI-ID - 14236002
- Hriberšek, M., Klasični jeziki v slovenskem šolstvu 1848–1945. Ljubljana 2005. COBISS.SI-ID - 222304000
- učni načrt za predmet Grški jezik.
- predmetni izpitni katalog za predmet Grški jezik.
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