Methods of Music Analysis 3 C
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Stefanija Leon
The course aims to introduce methods of music research in the field of humanities and social sciences as well as natural sciences. It focuses on the approaches to music as a medium of communication and to music as a cultural practice that belong to various sub-disciplines of music research, such as the aesthetics of music, sociology of music, psychology of music, music analysis, composition and perception, theory and practice, music education, music technology and media. The subject focuses especially on methodology of music research that are developed by sub-disciplines of systematic and historical musicology as well as ethnomusicology.
Topics and themes for individual assignements are changed with every iteration of the subject.
Leon Stefanija. Metode analize glasbe : zgodovinsko-teoretski oris. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za muzikologijo, 2004. COBISS.SI-ID - 215965440
Timn Crawford in Lorna Gibson (ur.). Modern Methods for Musicology: Prospects, Proposals, and Realities (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities). London: Routledge, 2009.
EMR - Empirical Musicology Review: http://emusicology.org/.
David Beard in Kenneth Gloag. Musicology: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge (Routledge Key Guides), 2006. COBISS.SI-ID – 14005049