Classical Japanese
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Golob Nina, prof. dr. Shigemori Bučar Chikako
Students learn the basics of classical Japanese grammar. The focus lies on differences between classical and modern Japanese. Students train interpreting classical works with exercises designed for this purpose. They learn about semantical elements of classical Japanese which are partially still present in modern Japanese. They train reading and grammatical analysis of some representative Japanese literary works. When reading parts of literary works students learn about their historical and cultural background.
Odlomki iz klasičnih besedil / Excerpts from: Man’yoshu; Kokin wakashuu; Shin Kokin wakashuu; Uji Shuui monogatari; Taketori monogatari; Makura no sooshi; Hoojooki; Tsurezuregusa; Genji monogatari; Okuno hosomichi v zbirki Nihon koten bungaku zenshuu, Shogakukan, v zbirki JapanKnowledge Lib http://nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/login?url=https://japanknowledge.com/librar…
Drugi odlomki po presoji izvajalca ob upoštevanju želja slušateljev. / Other passages chosen by the lecturer on the basis of students' suggestions.
Taniyama et al. Shintei Kokugo sooran, Kyoto shoboo, 1977, 2015 (6. posodobljeni ponatis) COBISS-ID=162585347