Portuguese 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Medvedšek Mojca, doc. dr. Müller Blažka
- understanding of written and spoken texts on everyday topics drawn from various media and literature;
- developing correct and fluent oral expression with the appropriate vocabulary and register, primarily about everyday and current topics
- developing writing skills, related to everyday issues and communication situations.
In the development of communication skills, the emphasis is put on the acquisition and use of new vocabulary and grammar in the following sections:
- verbal mode: indicativo, imperativo
- verb tenses: the formation and use of Presente do indicativo (regular and irregular verbs)
- opposition ser / estar / haver (most common use)
- some periphrastic verbs with infinitive and gerund
Sections from the areas of civilization, history and culture are:
- the distribution of the Portuguese language in the world
- geography of Portugal and Brazil, and the former Portuguese colonies
- development and significance of the Portuguese and Brazilian music, art, literature.
Dvojezični in enojezični portugalski slovarji.
- Coimbra, Olga Mata Coimbra, Isabel: Gramática activa 1. Lisboa-Porto-Coimbra: LIDEL- Ediçoes Técnicas COBISS.SI-ID - 37682274
- Cunha, Celso; Sintra, Lindley: Nova gramática do portugues contemporâneo. Lisboa: Ediçoes Joao Sá de Costa COBISS.SI-ID - 37869666
-Leite, Isabel Coimbra: Olga Mata Coimbra, Portugues sem fronteiras. Lisboa-Porto-Coimbra: LIDEL - Ediçoes Técnicas COBISS.SI-ID - 18997602
- Leonel Melo, Rosa: Vamos lá começar. Lisboa-Porto-Coimbra: LIDEL - Ediçoes Técnicas COBISS.SI-ID - 145932035
- Markič Jasmina, Correia Clara Nunes, Pograjc Blažka Müller (et al.) Markič Jasmina, Correia Clara Nunes (ur.), 2013: Descriçoes e Contrastes - Tópicos de Gramática Portuguesa com Exemplos Contrastivos Eslovenos/Opisi in primerjave. Poglavja iz slovnice portugalskega jezika s kontrastivnimi ponazoritvami v slovenščini. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. ISBN 978-961-237-573-7 COBISS.SI-ID - 266208512
- Saraiva, António José: Iniciaçao na literatura portuguesa, Lisboa: Gradiva Publicaçoes COBISS.SI-ID - 12723554
- Saraiva, José Hermano: História de Portugal. Lisboa: Publicaçoes Europa-América COBISS.SI-ID - 41983586
- Tavares, Ana: Portugues XXI 1, Livro do aluno, Caderno de exercícios. Lisboa-Porto-Coimbra: LIDEL - Ediçoes Técnicas COBISS.SI-ID - 62115938
Strokovna literatura se sproti dopolnjuje z novejšimi izdajami.