Observation Practicum in Andragogy
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 2
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Govekar Okoliš Monika
The practicum is carried out under the supervision of a university teacher and a mentor at a partner school or other institution conducting adult education activities. The university teacher coordinates the practicum, prepares the material and, together with the mentor at the school (or other institution) evaluates the success of the completed practicum. The andragogical practicum (15 hours) need not be carried out in one block.
Within the time constraints and in line with the agreement between the student and the mentor at the institution, the following should form the basis of the practicum:
• Monitoring the andragogical work and appropriate communication of the mentor and other employees at the institution (taking into account andragogical principles, types, approaches, methods, conditions and techniques involved in working with adults and the conduct and evaluation of the education of or work with adults).
• Participation in and acquisition of practical experience in planning, conducting and implementing adult education (with the aim of finishing a specific formal or informal educational programme, teacher training, etc.) at the institution or school.
• Lesson observation, participation and acquisition of practical experience in the organisation and conducting of andragogical forms of working with adults in line with their needs (leading meetings, workshops, study circles, short training programmes, discussions and the related inclusion of adults in support for and encouragement of knowledge acquisition).
• Practical experience through observation, monitoring the work of and cooperating with the mentor and other employees at the institution in leading and preparing projects and various events, as well as in coordinating between the institution and its wider social environment (individuals, institutions, local community, etc.).
• Learning about specific situations, different roles played by andragogues and other employees involved in adult education (educators, mentors, advisers, animators, “sellers” of educational programmes, tutors in distant learning, etc.) and learning about working processes within the institution.
• Acquisition of knowledge regarding the importance, possibilities and approaches to permanent education and the encouragement of one’s own professional development and lifelong learning. The use of educational biography in practice.
• Critical observation of the process of the education of and work with adults (teachers, etc.) in the specific institution and the writing of a report on the completed practicum, which includes the description and evaluation of the activities in which the student has participated. The andragogical work of the institution, the competences of the mentor and the competences of the student are assessed.
Temeljna literatura:
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2022). Mentorstvo in vloge mentorjev v procesih praktičnega usposabljanja na visokošolskih zavodih. V: Štefanc, Damijan (ur.) in Urbančič Matej (ur.). Izzivi visokošolske didaktike: Inovativno učenje in poučevanje v visokem šolstvu. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta.http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6658/1/INOVUP_UL-PEF_Specialne-didaktike…
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2011). Characteristics of mentors in the practical training of students. V: HOLEN, Jodi Bergland (ur.), PHILLIPS, Amy L. (ur.). Studies in education from diverse contexts. Grand Forks: College of education and human development, University of North Dakota, 2011, str. 59-69. ID= 45730146
• Govekar-Okoliš, M., Kranjčec, R., Gruden, U. (2010) Praktično usposabljanje študentov v delovnih organizacijah in primeri praks. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010. 70 str., graf. prikazi. ID= 251213824
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2007). Učitelj mentor - mentor andragog na področju izobraževanja odraslih in andragoške prakse. V: Marentič-Požarnik, B., Puklek Levpušček, M., Resnik Planinc, T., Ilc, M., Kosevski, B., Židan, A., Peklaj, C. (ur.). Mentorstvo in profesionalna rast učiteljev. Ljubljana: Center za pedagoško izobraževanje Filozofske fakultete, str. 105-120. ID= 35448162
• Holmes, A. (2023). Tips for Effective Communication in Mentoring. https://www.mentorresources.com/blog/tips-for-effective-communication-i….
• Jelenc, Z. (1991). Terminologija izobraževanja odraslih. Pedagoški inštitut pri Univerzi v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, str. 104. ID= 24276736
Priporočena literatura:
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. (2000). Izobraževalna biografija: Pomen in oblikovanje osebne izobraževalne biografije. Andragoška spoznanja, št. 4, Ljubljana, str. 27-44.
• Jarvis, P. (1995). Adult and continuing Education. Theory and Practise. Routledge, New York, 302 str.
• Konrad, E. (1999). Delovne kariere: izziv za izobraževanje. Sodobna pedagogika, Ljubljana, let. 50, št. 2, str. 80-91.
• Kristančič, A. (1995). Svetovanje in komunikacija. ACS, Ljubljana, 185str.
• Trček, J. (1998). Medosebno komuniciranje – kontaktna kultura. Obzorja, Ljubljana, 189 str.
• Brečko, D. (2003). Sklenimo posel z vladarji znanja: Učna pogodba. Gospodarski vestnik Izobraževanje, Ljubljana, 138 str.
• Revija Andragoška spoznanja in drugi viri vezani na vsebino posameznikove prakse.