Oddelek za arheologijo

Youth Engagement in UNESCO Designated Sites_ webinar

The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe is supporting the organization of a webinar on Youth Engagement in UNESCO Designated Sites – Empowering youth for sustainable development. The webinar is organized by Fondazione Santagata per l'Economia della Cultura and will take place tentatively on 10-12 February 2021.
Within this framework, we are writing to ask for kind indications on up to 10 youths from your country, aged between 15 and 30, whom the organizers will invite to apply for the webinar in order to select a final group of 25 participants.
The expected profile of participants may include students, leaders of youth associations, researchers, practitioners or entrepreneurs operating in the context of UNESCO designated sites and elements, hereby including World Heritage properties, Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Creative Cities, Global Geoparks, and elements inscribed on the UNESCO ICH Lists and Register.
Your input shall be much appreciated before 8 January, 2021.
Best regards,
Ana Luiza M. Thompson-Flores
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Venice


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